On-site program development
Our team is able to visit your sites as consultants or teachers. Having founded programs in many different settings, our staff can help you develop a program that fits your unique vision within your particular challenges.
- One time in-person, half-day consultation
- Meetings, site tour, review of all relevant documentation
- Final written report within 1 week.
Formal Presentation of report for stake-holders
Long-term consultation
Other services are available. Please contact us directly with your inquiry and for pricing.

Workshops – locations vary across USA
Teacher Workshops
- Learning to Teach Beginner Violin
Feeling adventurous? This workshop is for people with some music background but no violin experience.
- Basic techniques and pedagogy
- Basic repairs
Learning Violin Repertoire Reading Session
For violinist capable of sight-reading intermediate level repertoire, this workshop will involve reading through literature
- Learning to “jam” with others
- Chord progressions
- Typical riffs
- Free to be Me
- Learning to simplify music for your student groups
- Chords, chords and more chords
- Violin technique
- Adding sparkle with advanced violin techniques
Half-Day Student Workshops
Tune up the Kindness – team work in violin class
Stringing the Joy in performances – choreography
Harmony based on Joy – second violin, harmony in 3rds, chord tones
Free to be Me – improv
Electrical Violins – basics
Harnessing the energy to make a difference – every move is made with precision, intonation, bow technique, performance demeanor
Violin Lessons for children in Kinder – Grade 8
Exclusive Offer For Pinellas County Schools
Weekly group lessons (60 minutes each) at your site – for groups of 5-10 children of similar ability levels. Includes monthly performance opportunities, cost of accompanist for all group events. Does not include transportation – transportation is not provided to/from any event and is the responsibility of parents to arrange.
Cost: $369 per student, August – December
Pre-paid, non-refundable. Registration is not complete without payment. Due May 30th.
Cost: $369 per student, January – May
Pre-paid, non-refundable. Registration is not complete without payment. Due November 30th.Additional fees may be charged for monthly field trips.
Note: Make-up lessons are not provided, but students may join another group periodically as an alternative. Students are responsible for providing their own instruments and supplies. Sheet music is provided.