Summer Camps in Florida

Offered for school-aged children of all ability levels, the camps provide an opportunity for children of all musical abilities to come together and grow as musicians and as citizens. The programming is innovative, teachers are experienced educators who are experts in their field, the location is near one of America’s “best beaches”, and the repertoire diverse. Each camp will offer students opportunities to perform, as soloists and as a group.

Beginner Violin Camp

Is your child interested in learning to play violin?
Then this is the camp you have been looking for!

Open to children ages 5-14, the camp offers daily small-group lessons and a final group performance. Students are responsible for supplying their own instruments and snacks.
Dates: Monday – Friday
Cost: $300
Location: Clearwater, FL.

Beginner Violin Camp

Intermediate Violin Camp

Has your child learned the basics of violin performance and some note-reading skills? Is she/he looking to learn some cool new solo pieces? Hoping to make some new friends and play some music in different settings?
This camp promises to be the perfect fit!

Dates: Monday – Friday
Cost: $300
Location: Clearwater, FL. 33755


Advanced Violin Camp

This camp offers students who have a repertoire of at least 5-10 pieces and comfortable sight-reading skills the opportunity to learn even more songs in a variety of genres. Plus, students will learn to “jam” and to “gig”. The learning is fast-paced and there are multiple opportunities for performing as both soloists and as within a group.
Dates: Monday – Friday
Cost: $300
Location: Clearwater, FL. 33755


Electric Violin Camp – all ages and all abilities.

Let’s crank up the volume and test drive our new electric instruments! As long as you can play some basic tunes with decent tone, you are welcome to come learn more!

Dates: Saturday
Cost: $300
Location: Clearwater, Florida


TEACHER CAMP – Learning to Teach Beginner Violin

Feeling adventurous? This camp is for people with some music background but no violin experience. Come learn basic violin performance techniques and pedagogy as well as basic instrument repairs.


Violin Ministry Camp

Want to join the church group but need some help fitting in? This camp will review contemporary Christian music literature and teach participants how to read charts, chords, and to create a simple improv.
One of the best ways to bring joy to others is through faith-based music ministry. To this end, repertoire will be made available for violinists of all abilities to join in their parish ministries. Special requests will be considered.
Dates: Monday – Friday
Cost: $300
Location: Clearwater, Florida
