The petition, “Lord, help me to remember that I may be the only Bible people read today”, or a version thereof, is often attributed to St. Francis. In other words, we can experience God’s word, through the actions of others.
Saint Mother Teresa, founder of the Sisters of Charity, would regularly meditate on the question: “How can I go one day without hearing Jesus say, “I love you””? Thirsting for a personal encounter with Christ, buoyed by His love, she spread His message to everyone she met.
Just recently, a few dear friends opened their hearts and shared some very personal stories. At the heart of each stories was the moment in which he/she had “heard” the voice of God – a voice was unlike any other – more of a presence, actually, that was reassuring, embracing, loving. It didn’t make any difference how long ago this experience had happened, each face lit up when talking about it.
Imagine, the number of little children in our schools who are learning about Jesus for the first time, perhaps because of age, limited faith experiences, or being of another faith.
Our vocation thus includes becoming the face of Jesus for our students and their families. Yikes!
Today’s goal: Lord – Did others encounter Jesus via our face, our hands, our voices, and our eyes today? Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of Faith.